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Pros & Cons of Becoming a Paramedic

Mar 19, 2024 | Paramedic

Becoming a paramedic is a dream come true for many and also an excellent career choice.   

The world of emergency medicine calls those with a passion for helping others and a desire for fast-paced action. Paramedics are first responders to emergency situations, apart from providing initial medical care, they are responsible for transporting patients safely to a medical facility. They play a crucial part in the healthcare system of Canada.   

As everything in this world has it’s own pros and cons and like with any career, becoming a paramedic has its pros and cons. Let’s have a read:  

Pros of Becoming a Paramedic  

Saving Lives  

One of the biggest pros of being a paramedic is that you will be helping people every day. Paramedics see people at their worst, in desperate times. Beyond the medical assistance, what tops the chart is the genuine compassion of paramedics. Kind words and reassurance to victims in tough times goes a long way. It is a personally rewarding experience.   

Variety in Work  

No two days will be the same for a paramedic. One day you will be assisting a person who fell down the stairs, and the next day you may have to handle a critical patient in a car accident. People who don’t want to fit in nine-to-five job routine, becoming a paramedic is the best option.   

Jack of All Trades  

Paramedics are trained in all aspect’s cardiology, respiratory management, trauma, burns, strokes, pediatric and cardiac emergencies. Additionally, they can administer IV and medicines, use a defibrillator and draw blood. Paramedics understand many medical routines and are ready for any sort of emergency. Not only it is excellent on-the-job but also helps in personal life.   

Job Security  

Toronto Paramedic Services is the largest municipal Paramedic Service in Canada. In fact, demand for paramedics is growing, Job Bank Canada has given employment outlook 3 stars, highest for the outlook for the 2019-2021 period for overall Ontario.   

Career Advancement  

After becoming a paramedic doesn’t mean you will be stuck in the same career forever. With experience and additional training, paramedics have various career advancement opportunities within the field and can choose for alternative employment as well. Checkout 10 amazing careers for Primary Care Paramedics.   

Good Pay  

Paramedics in Canada, especially Ontario, earn well. The average pay for Paramedics in Ontario is C$38 per hour and in Toronto is C$42 per hour. The wages are proportional to education and experience one has. Paramedics can also work part-time, which gives them to earn additional income.   

Team Spirit  

Becoming a Paramedic work as a part of a strong team, which gives them a sense of belongingness. The healthy work relationships and being part of a more significant community gives them support in both personal and professional lives.   

Well Respected Profession  

Gone the days when paramedics were considered just ambulance drivers. Paramedics are highly regarded in society, and career overall is seen positively. The amount of training and expertise paramedics have reflected through their work. People trust first responders when they need help the most.   

pros and cons of becoming a paramedic

Cons of Being a Paramedic  

While becoming a paramedic has its rewards, it can take a toll on individuals. From a highly stressful situation to working long hours, one can be overwhelmed and feel burned out. Some of the most common cons of being a paramedic include:  

High Stress  

First responders are in the middle of stressful situations. While everyone around is in shock and incapable of action, paramedics need to be focused, direct and at times forceful. High-stress fatigue can cause people to gradually become jaded with the profession.   

Long Hours  

Paramedics work in long shifts and have the least amount of sleep. Many times, they have to take upshift and do for more than 24 hours.   

High Risk of Injury or Illnesses  

Paramedics are at increased risk of coming in contact with bodily fluids and often come across patients with infectious diseases. Although all precautionary measures are taken, it is possible to be infected on the job. Also, paramedics are involved in heavy lifting, kneeling and bending, they are susceptible to injuries.   

No Family Time  

Paramedics work in shifts, which means they don’t have a regular schedule to spend enough time with family. Many of them miss important holidays Christmas, Thanksgiving and family occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. A paramedic must have an understanding with family members to do their job.   

Lack of Passion  

Seeing ailing, hurt and dying people on a daily basis can be difficult, leading to burnout among paramedics. Doing what you don’t love, can increase the stress on the job, which leads to one changing career paths.   

Pros of being a paramedic definitely outweigh the cons. However, one planning to enter the field has to take into account all possibilities.   

Bottom Line!

If you are passionate, committed and willing to take the step, Paramedic Academy of BizTech College will help you all the way. Approved by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, our Primary Care Paramedic diploma program is fast-tracked.  

Apart from medical training, our students go through extensive lab training and ambulance ride-outs. Practicum and clinical placements provide real-time learning alongside active paramedics.  

Ready to become a Paramedic in Ontario? We have three intakes in January, May and September. Get started! 

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